Calligraphy of Iranian girls' names
I found people use their face pictures as avatars. "what about names?" I opened an Instagram account and started writing the common Iranian names and putting them on Instagram. So the people used their names as their avatars on social networks apps like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp. After 2 mounts I had more than 150000 followers. And from this page, I sold about 20000 original artwork with Iranian names during 2014 & 2015.
Kufisim is a project that combines the Latin alphabet and Ma'kıli (square) Kufi principles, which is a combination of the words “Kufi" and "isim ".In KUFISIM I design the Turkish names with square Kufic principles but Latin alphabets.
Everything starts with a name!
‘Whats in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet?’
William Shakespeare – Romeo & Juliet
ISIM is a brand that believes great memories begin with names. Although all names hold semantic memory which includes things that are common knowledge, they carry on personal memory with distinctive features of their isim we share perspectives on how we can light up your name-related emotions; basically, love generator.ISIM’s calligraphy goes where the curves of the Persian/Arabic alphabet call.